In House Art: Iraq
In House Art: Other
Books & Biographies

The following images show various exhibitions at Ayagallery during its time from 2002-2010.  Located in the heart of London's Fulham High Street, between New Kings Road and the Fulham Road Aya Gallery was within five minutes walk from the River Thames and the famous Bishops Park. Within its vicinity is a cosmopolitan mix of shops including Interior Design, Vintage and Antiques as well as a selective choice of restaurants and cafes.  Currently Aya Art Consultancy operates from the same location, albeit no longer as a gallery space.  Visits to Aya Art Consultancy are strictly by ADVANCE APPOINTMENT: info@ayagallery.co.uk

Upper Level Gallery
From the exhibition:
Sophisticated Ways in the Destruction of an Ancient City
Hana Mal Allah and Rashad Selim
Jun-Sept 2007

Entrance Gallery
